HomeUSACaliforniaLake TahoeI-80 CorridorRocklin (Deer Creek Park)Banana, TheThe Banana LeftV3Edit modePatina FaceV2boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionHand jam the chockstone with your right hand and use the arête for your left go up with a less than ideal landing. Jugs up high.An eliminate variation starts on a small right crimp and left hand anywhere along the long crimp rail and goes at V3. A sit start is also possible in the V5-6 range, starting on the same right hand hold and a bad left hand sloper low on the boulder.Locationmiddle boulderProtectionpadRoutes in The Banana1Patina FaceV2Bouldering 2The Banana LeftV3Bouldering3The Banana RightV4Bouldering4CompressionV0+Bouldering5The Loaf AreteV1Bouldering6The Loaf MantelV0Bouldering7RampV-easyBouldering