HomeUSAArkansasNorth-Central ArkansasRichland Creek AreaProhibitionProhibition WallWhiskey Rebellion5.12dMalt Whiskey5.13bEdit modeProhibition5.12asportFA Brad WilsonCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStout crack line on the wall.The namesake route for the crag, and the first line to be done at this wall.Did I mention, it was done on gear for the FA...Utilize your grit and guts to jam your way up the overhanging crack until you reach jugs towards the last two bolts.LocationThe obvious crack feature in the middle of the wall.ProtectionPermadrawsRoutes in Prohibition Wall1Single Malt5.12cSport2Absolut5.12cSport3Whiskey Rebellion5.12dSport4Prohibition5.12aSport 5Malt Whiskey5.13bSport6Whiskey Rebellion Not5.13bSport7100 Proof5.12+Sport