HomeUSAPennsylvaniaSouth Central PADevils Den, GettysburgDevils Den, MainPole SickleV1VespedualioV2Edit modeA ConsolationV-easyboulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionEasy crack problem with an iffy landing. Start jammed and follow the viney crack up to the large flat block for the top out.LocationLeft side of the main outcrop. Easy to spot from the road.ProtectionSome pad trickery and good spotting could make this less risky.Routes in Devils Den, Main1Pole SickleV1Bouldering2A ConsolationV-easyBouldering 3VespedualioV2Bouldering4Confined SpacesV-easyBouldering5Gettysburg AddressV1Bouldering65th BatteryV2Bouldering7High CrackV0Bouldering