HomeUSAOregonCentral OregonSmith RockLower GorgeWest SideStar WallSt. Paddee's Day5.10aLevitate5.12aEdit modeTurning Point5.10atradFA Chuck Buzzard and Eve Dearborn, March 1983CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionClimb the sometimes awkward wide cracks to the fun (if short) corner above. Move left to the anchors on Mantra or right to the closer anchors on Levitate.LocationStart on converging wide cracks between Levitate and Mantra.ProtectionTwo big cams for the wide part , and smaller stuff for the corner (green Alien or equivalent is useful).Routes in (4) Star Wall1Tim5.12aSport2Freon5.10aTrad3Daytime Drama5.12aSport4Morning Star Extension5.10dTrad5Morning Star5.10cTrad6Johnny and the Mellonheads5.12bTrad7Neutron Star5.12-Trad8Dark Star5.12aTrad9Cry of the Gerbil5.12bSport10Mantra5.10a/bTrad11Mantra Extension5.10dTrad12Lethal Dose5.11aTrad · Tr13St. Paddee's Day5.10aTrad14Turning Point5.10aTrad 15Levitate5.12aTrad16Last Days5.10aTrad17Left Wing5.10cTrad · Sport