HomeUSACaliforniaSierra EastsideLone Pine AreaAlabama HillsAlabama Hills NorthEastern Choss Proving GroundsKearsarge Dome aka The Battle ShipBuffalo Soldier5.85.4 PGtradFA Unkown?CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Kearsarge Dome aka The Battle Ship1The South Will Rise Again???5.4Trad 2Buffalo Soldier5.8Tr3Emancipation Proclamation5.10bSport4The Underground Railroad5.10bSport5Passage to the North5.7Trad6Hopscotch5.5Trad7Souther Choss Boss Back Side.5.7+Trad · Tr8Eastern Choss Boss5.7Trad · Tr9Southern Choss Boss5.7+Trad · Tr10Northern Guillotine5.9Trad · Tr11Unknown5.7Tr12Young Ladd5.6Tr