Tricks R 4 Kids

FA Seth Tart / Dennis Buice
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Tricks follows a specific and unique combination of holds that zig zag across some of the best quality stone at Cooks. In the upper gully, start up the right leaning crack just left of the first bolt. At the top of the ramp, clip the second bolt and fire the first crux just right of the bolt line. Get some gear in the big horizontal seam and angle left back across the bolt line into a series of crimps for the red point crux.Plug a cam out right int he long horizontal crack and choose between two finishes. Either traverse right along the crack and go big over the roof to the anchors or immediately pull straight up a small face crux and traverse the roof to the shuts.


On the upper 'east' side of the Breakfast Wall, locate a couple bolts going up the center of the prettiest and most polished stone on the wall, which will be to the right of center on the wall.


Cams, bolts, anchors