HomeUSANew YorkNew York CityCentral ParkRat RockWest FaceSmack the DragonV6Edit modeAshima MandalaV8boulderingFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionAka Ashram Mandala.Start with the left hand on the good sidepull and right hand on slopey crimp. First move is the same as Smack the Dragon (left hand to the lower flake). Move right through a series of sharp crimps and top out at the very right end of the boulder.LocationNorth side of Rat Rock at the far right end where the rats are.Routes in West Face1The Polish TraverseV5Bouldering2Polish Traverse (Campus)V6Bouldering3Speedy GonzalezV7Bouldering4BrooklynV6Bouldering5Koma's RoofV10Bouldering6Koma's Roof StandV7Bouldering7Koma's Roof Stand-EliminateV8Bouldering8The JuiceV6Bouldering9Reverse PolishV5Bouldering10Bruce LeeV6Bouldering11Smack the DragonV6Bouldering12Ashima MandalaV8Bouldering