HomeUSANorth Carolina3. Piedmont RegionCooks WallWest WallsFin Area, TheTriangle Choke5.11-Batteries Not Included5.10aEdit modeRubber Cookie5.9+tradFA Nathan BrownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThis is an excellent traditional lead with good movement and fairly consistent difficultly.Ten feet right of the low triangular roof is a large stump at the base of the cliff. From the stump, climb straight up the corridor-like weakness, past a bolt at 30' and then move low and to the right around and under the right side of the large overhang at 50'. Once around the overhang, follow the path of least resistance up slightly less than vertical rock to cold shut anchors at the left top of the cliff.LocationObvious vertical weakness 10' right of the large triangular roof.ProtectionCams of all sizes and nuts are useful but not mandatory. One bolt in the crux.Routes in The Fin Area1Big Girls Don't Cry5.10+Sport2Vampire Diaries5.10b/cSport3True Blood5.11b/cSport4Hunting Werewolves5.12-Sport5Weenie Roast5.9Trad6April Fools5.11-Sport7Ride'n Dirty5.11aSport8Welcome to Cooks5.10bTrad9Imaginary Diseases5.11bSport10Magician’s Way5.11cTrad11Pornstar Punishment5.11cSport12Talk Dirty To Me5.11-Sport13Fortune Cookie5.10-Sport14Rear Naked Choke5.10dSport15Triangle Choke5.11-Sport16Rubber Cookie5.9+Trad 17Batteries Not Included5.10aTrad18Pepper Shaker5.9Sport19Bone Crusher5.10+Trad20Grave Digger5.9Trad21Decepticon5.11cTrad22Megatron5.12aSport23Bumble Bee5.11+Sport24Optimus Prime5.11+Sport