HomeUSACaliforniaSierra EastsideLone Pine AreaAlabama HillsAlabama Hills NorthEastern Choss Proving GroundsKearsarge Dome aka The Battle ShipSouthern Choss Boss5.7+Unknown5.75.9 PGtradtrFA Unkown?CREATED UPDATED Tick this climbDescriptionLocationProtectionRoutes in Kearsarge Dome aka The Battle Ship1The South Will Rise Again???5.4Trad2Buffalo Soldier5.8Tr3Emancipation Proclamation5.10bSport4The Underground Railroad5.10bSport5Passage to the North5.7Trad6Hopscotch5.5Trad7Souther Choss Boss Back Side.5.7+Trad · Tr8Eastern Choss Boss5.7Trad · Tr9Southern Choss Boss5.7+Trad · Tr10Northern Guillotine5.9Trad · Tr 11Unknown5.7Tr12Young Ladd5.6Tr