HomeUSATexasEnchanted Rock State Natural AreaLittle DomeKingdom of ZilchKingdom, TheKnights of ZilchV2Forest Crack5.8Edit modeNull and VoidV2boulderingFA James Crump, John SandersCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionThis climb is missing some beta. Turn on Edit mode and help us improve this page.Routes in The Kingdom1Don't Void Your PantsV1-Bouldering2Scrambled Egg Sandwich5.10+Trad3ZilchlessnessV0Bouldering4Fatman in ParadiseV3Bouldering5Knights of ZilchV2Bouldering6Null and VoidV2Bouldering 7Forest Crack5.8Trad · Bouldering8Forbidden FruitV2Bouldering9Grodie to the MaxV2Bouldering10Grodie Crack5.7Tr · Bouldering11Way Below ZeroV2Bouldering