HomeUSACaliforniaSan Francisco Bay AreaWine CountryAngwinBell CanyonOld Time Revival5.8Edit modeCliffhanger5.10dtrFA unknownCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionClimb the face a few feet left of the obvious hand crack (Old Time Revival).LocationStarts just left of the obvious hand crack (Old Time Revival).ProtectionNone.Routes in Bell Canyon1Cliffhanger5.10dTr 2Old Time Revival5.8Trad3Flake of Fire5.9Sport4Lure of Lucre5.10aSport5Once Upon a Climb5.6Sport6Liberty Bell5.10cSport7Zinfandel5.11aTr8Handburger5.9Trad9Silverado Trail5.10aTr