HomeUSAWashingtonNortheast Corner & SpokaneSpokane AreaRocks of SharonTriplets, TheEast FaceCounter Transference5.10aEdit modeLegacy5.10tradFA Bob Ordner, Rusty Baillie, Adam Volwiler, Andrew Pearson 2011CREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionStarts to the right of "Counter Transference" on the Southeast corner of the North Triplet. Follow the off-width crack to a large horizontal break on the face before switching to the crack to the right that leads up to a bolted ledge.LocationSoutheast corner of the Northern Triplet.ProtectionGear to 4" with a couple of large stoppers. Bolted anchor.Routes in East Face1Castoff5.7Trad2Shelter from the Storm5.9Sport3Montana Route Rustler5.10bSport4Passages5.10Trad5Deception Pass5.10-Trad6Upchuck the Boogie5.11aSport7Counter Transference5.10aSport8Legacy5.10Trad