HomeUSACaliforniaSan Diego CountySouth San Diego CountyDescanso WallDescanso Boulders**West BouldersHobgoblinV3Great Odin's RavenV3-4Edit modeStay GlassyV4-5boulderingFA BenCREATED May 2023UPDATED May 2023Tick this climbDescriptionA north-facing overhang is split by a crack with a couple openings for finger locks. Stand on the slab below, lock those digits and get high feet on the glassiest granite I've ever seen. Stair down the lip and get it!Trying to launch from that glass is like trying to ice skate with roller blades.LocationOne small ridge before Ellis Spring and after the road turns to dirt, look uphill for some of the largest boulders on the hill. This climb is on a trail on the second boulder. Faces North.Protectionis optionalRoutes in **West Boulders1HobgoblinV3Bouldering2Stay GlassyV4-5Bouldering 3Great Odin's RavenV3-4Bouldering4Cuspid SlabV4-Bouldering5Cars Go ByeV3Bouldering6One Man BandV5Bouldering7TribeV4Bouldering8Pistol SquatV4+Bouldering9City SlickerV3-4Bouldering10Chicken ChunderV0+Bouldering11Deep FreezeV4Bouldering