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Peak Mountain 3

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FA Rich Strang - bolted by Ed and Timmy
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Dispite the name there is no glue on this route link-up. It makes a great option for 5.11 climbers seeking shade in the afternoon and provides another "easy" warm-up alternative for cave climbers. Start low in the cave on Old Man Direct. Climb the first 9 bolts to that routes crux. Clip the chain draw here or the hanger to the right (or both). Now move right on the foot ledge with some side pull punch holds. Continue on a diagonal line up to the Morning Commute anchors. Lots of fun holds on this one.


Start on Old Man Direct which is the 2nd bolt line you come to as you climb up to the cave.


2 or 3 QD's. The first 2 hangers on Old Man Direct need draws all others are fixed. Take a 3rd draw as you may feel like clipping the extra hanger on the traverse if you don't know the holds.

3000 km
2000 mi