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Peak Mountain 3


FA Shamus Gaffney
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start sitting in the deep left facing diagonal ledge down and right from the motorcycle dropstone. Move up and left to the positive rail, then up and left again to the huge jug rail. Go up and right to the incut crescent hold above and right of the 'Cycle. Get a high left foot and make a BIG move into the high, incut hold. Use dirty but positive holds to work up and left to the dropstone jug at the apex of the ledge. Mantle the ledge and top out through the slot.


Look on the left side of the main face on the Left Highball Wall, before it turns uphill. The start hold is under the  crack/ watergroove with the rhododendron growing in it.



Routes in Left Highball Wall

  1. 2
2000 km
1000 mi